Monday, June 22, 2015

Answers! June 22, 2015

Paige got the answer that the church is true! She received the answer in a dream. And now she is talking a lot about baptism, she is still trying to receive a confirmation that she needs to be baptized again, as she has been baptized previously, but she is doing awesome! We were waiting for another person to get there so we could teach her so we were just waiting in the doorway and she told us she had been having some conversations with God, but before we could ask about it, the other lady, Audra (the lady who I did the baptismal interview for) kept talking to her. So once he got there we got inside and asked her. She is happy to know that it is true, and she actually seems anxious to be baptized. She brings it up all the time and is asking about it. She is just trying to receive another witness. She is great and it won't be too long for her!
Our appointments with both Danielle and Janelle fell through this last week, which was sad, but we just went over and tried Janelle yesterday, and we found out that her and her husband have been listening to the Book of Mormon through the gospel library app. They are on chapter 15 and they've only been doing it a couple days. They are enjoying it so far! We should be seeing them again tomorrow.
We went on exchanges with Elder Hulet, one of the district leaders in the zone. He is also my mtc companion. But I wasn't his companion. He is in a trio with two other missionaries and I was with them. They got to come to the dentist with me and it was a party for sure. I got to go to the dentist twice this week and get my face all numb on two different sides. We were able to talk to quite a few people, mostly not interested, but there were a few potential people who said they could come back. And then we went to an investigator's, named Jeremy, house for dinner and we had really spicy hamburgers for dinner. He is big into a pepper called Carolina reaper, which sounds scary. I am not big into spicy food.
The zone was also able to find about 12 new investigators the last 3 days of last week! It is really amazing to see how many people they are getting out and being able to touch the lives of people. We have seen lots of cool miracles. Lastly, last Sunday, a week ago we were out with the Stake President's son who is going on a mission to Guatemala in a couple weeks. After we tried an appointment that we were planning on having him there for (that fell through) we asked him if there were some people who he wanted to try before he heads out on his mission. We had heard of a couple of them before, but one we knew of named Jayden and we knew he was out of town, but for some reason we felt like we should go. We went over there and we didn't find him, but there was this big garage band thing going on. And there were a bunch of people on the street listening to them. To talked to a lady who had been baptized recently up in Emmett. And after she walked away another guy walked up holding a beer and he was drunk. He was telling us about how much he respected us and how he felt like his life was going wrong and that he just felt like he couldn't move forward. We testified to him of God's love for him and that God wants to help him and forgive him. He also told us about how his Brother is on a mission. He told us his name was Justin and he is a member and just recently in ward council they had told us of a guy named Justin who lost his job after a tool was dropped on his foot from multiple stories. Elder Bjorling looked down and his foot was in not so great a shape. So we figured out it was this same guy. He was grateful for our testimony's and he said we could come back. Then later, while they were on exchanges, Elder Bjorling and Elder Hulet went to Justin's house. We had were thinking he would not have remembered because of him being drunk. But he remembered it all. He welcomed them right in they testified of God's forgiveness and taught largely about prayer and how that will help him. They committed him to pray every night for 7 days and to stay on his knees until he felt the spirit. He said he could do that, and then they invited him to pray right then and Elder Bjorling remembered a testimony of the significance of a kneeling prayer in district meeting. They all knelt down and the second Justin's knees hit the floor he started breathing heavy and then he started crying. He said a very short and simple prayer but one of the most powerful Elder Bjorling has heard. He said the lesson was also one of the most powerful. After he was trying to be all manly, cough it off, but he admitted as to how amazing it was and how quick it hit him. He is such a humble man and a couple days later we asked him how his prayers are going. He said they are great and that he is doing better everyday, he feels like he can move past the struggles he has and that he can be forgiven. He also told us that his wife, who used to be against the church, has agreed to pray with him. It is so cool to see the way that his life is being changed, and the power of prayer is truly amazing. The Lord wants to bless us with so much, we must be humble enough to ask for a lot of it though. And to ask with the faith to receive it.
Elder Roberts

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