Monday, November 23, 2015

Zone Conference, Jodene, November 23, 2015

This last week we had zone conference, and it was powerful. We learned more about the significant role the members of the church have to play in the work of salvation and how important it is that we get them involved and doing missionary work. And we had the opportunity to teach a lady named Jodene. We taught her the plan of salvation on tuesday and the gospel of Jesus Christ on thursday. There is a much brighter light in her now than ever before and she really wants to get baptized but will have to wait awhile for her probation. She is excited though and wants to work toward it. She came to church as well and she loved it. She is feeling good and her boyfriend came to church as well and has sat in on the last couple lessons. He noticed a big change in her and the light that she has and he wanted to know what has changed her.
I know that the gospel is real and that it really can help us overcome all struggles that we face and get us through the hard times and the painful times. As we rely on the atonement of Christ all things can be made right. This life is just a small part of the eternities. But our eternity includes now. The way we choose to live now the person we decide to be. I am grateful for the power of the atonement and how it changes us. But we can not allow Satan drag us back down, even through just the appearance of evil. We must cleave to light and to all that God wants us to and do not Wink at sin. Christ never did. Remember Him.

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